
Crafts R'Us

I like to pretend that I'm crafty. Really, I have good ideas but they never seem to work out. Right now I'm sitting at my dining table and staring at all of the Christmas paraphernalia I bought to make an ornament wreath. I got halfway done and realized I needed more of the larger ornaments. Another craft abandoned. 

And now my table just looks like Santa threw up all over it and there's glitter everywhere. 

Sure I'll finish it eventually, I'm pretty sure I don't have a storage box with a label that says, "xmas-sparkly-glittery-jingly-items". 

Unfortunately this just means I'm going to have to take both of my kids into the craft store. Which, in-case you didn't know, doubles as a toy store.....
fake flowers = fishing pole and/or sweeper
ornaments = balls to throw
placemats = coloring pages
glue = glue (YAY...glue...)
yarn = jump rope

You get the picture. :/

Source: blog.heylook.fi via Liz on Pinterest


Canine Medicine

Sometimes I'm pretty sure that any Trisomy parent could breeze through medical school and get their doctorate easily. Sometimes even, we are the ones that teach our children's doctors about Trisomy and related chromosome disorders. But when it comes to medical knowledge about animals, I am completely useless.

We have two dogs and a cat [I really don't know what we were thinking]. We recently decided to get both of our dogs neutered. Our big dog, Tucker, had his surgery last week. He did really well if you don't count the fact that he learned how to take off his cone quickly and pull out his staples. A week later was our little dog's turn, Yogi. That would be today. My hubby took him in this morning and within the past hour they called me to tell me they were about to take him back to the OR when they noticed recent blood tests came back concerning.

Something about his liver levels being high? The words liver shunt were also thrown in there. I think other words were, additional testing, blood tests, pre and post something, and then something about $91.98. I must have asked her a million questions and still have no clue other than the fact that something might be up with his liver? Oh and the testing is expensive. I definitely understood that.

So here's to hoping no more testing and everything is just fine. Because honestly...I don't want to become a self proclaimed expert in canine medical issues.

Yogi has our heart :) 



The month of August (in 2010) was the worst month of my life. There was something wrong with my unborn baby and absolutely nothing could fix it. Since then I have enthralled myself in to stories of others who have given birth to babies with special needs, trisomy families, and even families whose children passed away at birth or way too early. Call me horrible, or whatever but it was what I could relate with...what I still relate to. In the beginning of my journey it was stories of other people, people I did not know, had never met. I still cried for them and my heart ached for their families but it wasn't personal.

I'm over two years into my "journey" and I've met so many wonderful people, children, families because of my special Kaleb. Now...unfortunately, I hear more often of awful things happening to kiddos. It's terrible. I hate it. It takes me right back to the beginning of my journey but even worse it envelops me entirely. I hurt so much for these families and wish so much that I could do more than give them kind words and warm thoughts. I've said it many times but it just isn't fair...kids should not have to suffer! 

Recently I found out about a sweet sweet little girl named, Reese ("Reesey"). I went to school with her mommy and later in life our paths crossed again at a mutual friend's wedding reception. After that I moved to Florida and we were only FB friends. We lost contact...but I often kept up with her ever growing family. She and her husband now have four beautiful daughters. Reesey is the third youngest. On Halloween they got horrible, awful news...Reesey has a brain tumor. My heart aches...deeply. 

Here is Reesey's mommy's update on her blog about what all has gone on. I know there are so many of you that are wonderful prayer warriors for my Kaleb, please say a little prayer for little Reesey and her family.

There is also a giveforward page set up for Reesey...