I just wanted to say that my son...my dear dear son...finally rolled over. I must post this on every site imaginable and I'll probably place a sign in my yard telling everyone that my son FINALLY rolled over. I mean clearly it was going to happen some day, but I was beginning to think that day would be on his 20th birthday. This morning I actually wrote a post on my "mommies board" and asked if anyone else's child wasn't rolling over, basically the answer was no, everyone's babies have been rolling over for a while. So after Nolan woke up and I fed him I put him on his tummy while I cleaned up a bit. That only lasted a few minutes and so I put him on his back, which he loves. I was walking around doing laundry and picking up and I turned around and he was on his tummy with his arm under him. I missed the whole thing! But I did get to see him figure out how to move his arm from under him and viola he was on his tummy...FROM HIS BACK!
Ohmygoodness.... he just did it again. This time he can't figure out how to get his hand out from under him, but hooray. I am so glad this happened at home with mommy and I didn't have to hear about it from daycare.
Mommy is so proud of you. I can't wait to experience all of your milestones. Just remember if you do them at daycare you remind your teachers not to tell mommy and then you promptly do them as soon as we get home. I love you Mr. Roller. ~Mommy
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